Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Teamwork in Health Care - 1085 Words

The Importance of Teamwork in Health Care The Importance of Teamwork in Health Care From an early age we are instilled the importance of teamwork. The lessons may come from a soccer field, a classroom group project, or even a song on Sesame Street. Regardless of our future careers, we are all likely to experience some sort of teamwork requirement, even if it is as simple as getting along with your co-workers. Teams working in a hospital or other healthcare setting may consist of several physicians, nurses, medical assistants, referral coordinators, pharmacists, therapists, and students among others. Such large teams can provide comprehensive care for complex and chronic illnesses, but when they fail to work well together, they†¦show more content†¦Competencies for effective teamwork are perceived to be different for management and clinical teams, and there are differences in perceptions of teamwork between male and female health care managers (Leggat, 2007). Teamwork can also be disrupted by different styles of management, status differences, poor communication, and competitive demands on different departments. During my own personal experience in nursing, I have had the opportunity to witness teamwork at its best, and shamefully, teamwork at its worst. During a shift on a neuro critical care floor, I was assisting a nurse turn and change a patient. Nearly every time we shifted the patient, an alarm would sound. Within moments there was a voice on the other side of the curtain asking if help was needed. Next time the alarm sounded; there was the helpful voice again. It never failed. How comforting for the nurse this must feel, and ultimately, better outcomes, as well as safety for the patient. At the other end of the spectrum, I have watched as a nurse asks for help, and is turned down multiple times. I have heard the awful phrase, â€Å"that’s not my job.† I have seen patients code, and the nurse spends the next hour caring for that patient including resuscitation, and transferring to an intensive care unit. No one takes the initiative to check on the nurses patients while she is gone, not even the charge nurse. Clearly this is not a positive or safe work environment for anyone. TeamworkShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Teamwork And Health Care1409 Words   |  6 PagesTeamwork is vital in healthcare.   When all participants are engaged in a program, goals are successfully achieved. 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According to McEwen (2011), the purpose of concept analysisRead MoreApplication Of Concept Analysis For Clinical Practice1149 Words   |  5 Pagesdescribing a phenomena or class of phenomena â€Å"(Kim, 2000,p.15). It can be theoretical or non theoretical like hope, love and desire or body temperature, pain (McEwen Willis, 2011) the words like grief, empathy, power, job satisfaction or a phrase like health promoting behaviors or maternal attachment. Concept analysis mentions to the laborious process of bringing clarity to the definition of the concept used in science (McEwen Willis, p, 51). According to McEwen (2011), the purpose of the concept analysisRead MoreQuality And Safety Education For Nurses1142 Words   |  5 PagesQuality and Safety Education for Nurses Teamwork and collaboration are capable to effectively function within professional teams, remaining respectful, mutual decision-making, and developing open communication to attain the optimal quality of care for patients. To create a collaborative atmosphere, several characteristics must be involved; knowledge, skills, and attitude. Knowledge is a way to describe an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and principles to collaborate within a group of workersRead MoreTeamwork, Collaboration And Informatics For Nursing880 Words   |  4 PagesTeamwork, Collaboration and Informatics in Nursing The nursing field is caring, dependable, and effective. None of which could be accomplished without teamwork, collaboration and informatics. I believe these concepts are fundamental in the nursing profession. Nurses must work with other healthcare staff, the patients and their families to provide patient-centered and quality care. The use of informatics enhance both the quality of care the clients receive and the teamwork and collaboration aspectRead MoreRelevance of Communication and Teamwork in Midwifery903 Words   |  4 Pagestheir mandate. Amongst such skills, the relevance of communication and teamwork cannot be overstated. This is more so the case given the critical role midwives play as far as the provision of care to women, babies as well as families is concerned. This text concerns itself with communication and teamwork as two graduate attributes necessary for success in the midwifery profession. The Relevance of Communication and Teamwork in Midwifery To begin with, it is important to note that excellent communicationRead MoreEssential Attributes in Nursing1220 Words   |  5 Pagesincreases for educated nurses. Nurses is the first provider of health care, which delivers a high quality of care, safe environment, person-centred and focuses on the care of individuals, families and communities. In a nursing good workplace citizenship needs an understanding and maintaining a good relationship between patients and health professional to deliver quality health care and services. In the context of nursing, communication, teamwork and social responsibility is the main graduates attributes

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